Our Brand

At Charishma, we believe that every woman deserves to feel beautiful, confident, and empowered. That's why we craft high-end jewelry that is affordable, sustainable, and fashionable.

Our current location in Vietnam:

CASON: 65 Nguyễn Du, Thạch Thang, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng

Our Mission

To celebrate women’s beauty, identity, and story. Through our jewelry, we want to remind women that they have the power to empower, the beauty to be confident, and the story to change the world. 

Our Products

Our jewelry is crafted with high-quality stainless steel that is tarnish-proof, hypoallergenic, and waterproof. Not only is stainless steel environmentally friendly, but it is also 100% recyclable, making it the best choice for our planet.

Each piece of our jewelry is named with a positive affirmation designed to inspire self-love and transform negative thoughts into positive ones. Remember, we all possess the power to become the best version of ourselves, starting with the positive thoughts we choose to cultivate.

My Story

Growing up, I struggled with feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. I continuously compared myself to others and longed to be someone else. However, my journey towards self-love began when my grandmother gave me a pair of earrings.

The confidence I felt while wearing them reminded me that every single one of us is unique and beautiful in our own way.

Through my brand, I hope to inspire women to overcome their negative beliefs and cultivate positive self-image.

Your Voice Matters, You Matter

We invite you to share your unique journey with us and inspire other women to become part of our community of strong and empowered individuals.

Showcase your favorite Charishma jewelry in a photo and be highlighted on our blogs and Instagram. Let us come together and empower more women through our collective efforts.

Follow us at @charishmaaccessories

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